Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Truman Show

“The Truman Show”

3 Academy Award Nominations:

Best Supporting Actor: Ed Harris (Christof)

Best Director: Peter Weir (Dead Poets Society)

Best Screenplay: Andrew Niccol

Winner of 3 Golden Globes:

Best Actor: Jim Carrey

Best Supporting Actor: Ed Harris

Best Original Score

Objective: You will write on three of the following topics. Each topic should be at least a paragraph.

2. What impact does music have on the movie? Why is particular music used for certain scenes? Why does the music stop when Truman sails into the wall? How does Christof display the importance of music in his television show? How are other sound effects used to add to a particular feeling? Is this movie deserving of a golden globe award for best original score?

The impact that the music has on the movie is a great impact becuase it creates feelings in the movie. It helps create a soothing feeling or a lonley feeling or a feeling when you're determined to accomplish something. It also has a small sense of fear that the music has and sadness when his father was not able to be saved from the storm. Particular music is used for certain scenes so you can get a feel or set the mood on that scene. Whether it's sad or happy. Other sound affects are used when it's flash backs and it lets him relieve the feelings he was having and how he enjoyed it. Or if it was a sad flashback it makes it sad. There is also a suspense sounds to it which also makes some parts suspensful and intriguing. This movie does deserve a golden globe award.

1. How do camera angles and camera movements affect the movie? What unique shots are used in the film and how do they impact the audience? How is framing used to remind the viewer of the cameras themselves? What impact do cameras have on you as a viewer? Pick a particular scene when you think cameras play an important role in the mood of the film.

Cameras and angles movements has a great effect on the movie and keeps the viewer entertained and interested in the movie. The unique shots are the shots that are like the camera shots where you see Truman Looking into something and it's really the camera so it's like we're filming him. That is also a way how framing is used to remind the viewer that a camera is there. The impact cameras have on me as a viewer is it makes us more intuned to the film. The camera had a strong impact in the scene where him and Sylvia had their little moment together at the beach and when he got to see his father again.

10. Did you like this movie? Why or why not? Comment on the cinematography, sound, lighting, special effects or any other technical aspects. Comment on the characters or the actors themselves. Comment on the script or the story used in the movie.

I thought this movie was ok. I did like it, but at some points I didn't think it was that interesting. There were just times where it seemed kind of pointless. I thought they had well sound effects and lighting. The special effects that i thoght were nice when it was like we were filming him. I thought it wasn't right to take a baby and to make his life viewable to the whole world and keeping someone in there like a hostage and they can't leave was ridiculous. The story was nice because it was of an actual person and unedited but it was still not right to have someone's life documented liek that for half of their lives.

Everything Happens for a Reason

Monday, March 30, 2009

Storyboard Planning-Mel Deonarine

STORYBOARD: Adverstise everything happens for a reason

SLOGAN: Everything happens for a reason

ACTION: Picture or words on screen

AUDIO: Music or None


ACTION: Picture of me

AUDIO: Music or None


ACTION: Picture of something happening/Some action

AUDIO: Music or None


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mel Deonarine Period 1

1. The First step in writing a story: Find a Topic

2. The second step in writing a story is finding angles

3. How many people should we interview? 3

4. How many questions should we ask? 5

5. The question needs to be re-stated in the answer.

6. A piece of audio that can stand alone is called....soundbyte

7. A transition between interviews is a segue

8. What types of questions do we ask? open ended questions

9. We should let the interviewee fill the silence

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brian Kyser Interview-Everyone has a story

Everyone has a story

While I was interviewing Brian I found out his plans after high school is the Marines. He enlisted on his 18th Birthday. He's a senior, he works at Dairy Queen, his favorite color is blue and his favorite place he's visited is Texas. He also has two cats and would like to visit Amsterdam. In his spare time, he likes to work on cars.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reading repsonse P. 58-70

In this portion of reading one of the story is about The Boys of Winter, which is a line of old softball players that are 75, 80, and even 99 years old. Bob Datson also talks about how to end story. The main way he says you want to end a story is by having a strong visual. Have a strong visual that is unforgettable to your audience. And they will not forget your story.

Voices of Hope

Name: Mel Deonarine

Topic: Voices of Hope

Angle: Voices of Hope was very successful

Script IN (for anchor): Last Friday, Our school hosted the Voices of Hope. It was very successful.........Mel has the story

Stand up: For months our Women's Choir have been organizing the Voices of Hope. A fundraiser that helps families being effected by cancer. After the production they were very happy to see how everyone enjoyed it and it was successful

1st Interview: For the past few months they have been organizing one of the biggest fundraisers, here at eastview, Voices of Hope. I thought it was very successful and everyone enjoyed it. I personally loved it and it was also fun working at it. My favorite performance I would have to say was the Shady Ladies.

Segue: After all the hard work was put in, it was finally time for all the performers to show what they got.

2nd Interview: For performing at the Voices of Hope fundraiser I really enjoyed it. I was more excited than nervous, because I have performed many times before. The part I most enjoyed was seeing students that I have taught and currently am teaching respond to seeing that other side of me. My favorite performance was the Shady Ladies.

Segue: So after interviewing people involved I found out how all of this started in the first place

3rd Interview: We had a wonderful committee, everyone was overseeing an area to make this production so successful. We started in late October meeting every Wednesday Nights. It took us about three and a half months to get this whole thing collaborated and put together. This whole idea started with the Women's Chorale. They wanted to make a difference in the world and they chose so by doing it through music. All the contributions went to the Angel foundation. It was very successful for the first year and we are looking forward to the next production, which will be next year. My facorite performance was Joel Jacobson singing. But we were pleased of ll of our students who performed. Especially the Shady Ladies. We're hoping for a reprise next year.

Close: Well there you have it Eastview, Have a good day

Reporting for the Flash, I’m Mel Deonarine.

Script OUT (for anchor):